I miscalculated

You know how I was working on this

Magic Coffee Baby Hat Number 3 001

And it grew……

Stitches and Stacks

Stitches and Stacks

And I said that I would have it finished by the next day….


Quite fitting that there's an assignment on implementation distasters in the background

Quite fitting that there’s an assignment on implementation distasters in the background

Finishing my third Magic Coffee Baby Hat didn’t happnen.

I got as far as the first round of crown decreases and realised at the end of the round that I had too few stitches.

So near and yet so far!

To my mind, the crown decreases are one of the hats lovely features. I couldn’t muss about with a wrong stitch count in so obvious a place. Obvious to me at any rate. So frogging was called for. I have yet to cast on again.

Oh well. That’s the great thing about working with a sturdy acrylic yarn. It can deal with a lot of mistakes, tinking back and frogging.

For anyone who’s interested Limerick SnB will be meeting up in the Hunt Museum Cafe tomorrow, Sunday the 19th January, from 2pm to 5pm.

Happy crafting folks!

Focus Ireland – Charity Knitting

It’s been bloody cold outside.

Heaters have been put on and fires have been roaring.

Meanwhile, those without home comforts have been facing the cold without the aid of “the basics”.

First off, if you have some spare cash, this link will bring you to the Focus Ireland donatations page.

If you have only a little cash, as is the case with many of us, and you can afford €2 then text KEY to 50300 to donate €2 and all of that €2 will go towards Focus Ireland.

Now that we have attended to the immediate ways to be practically helpful I’ll go on to share another way to be practically helpful.

Knitting a square of fabric that will then be used to create a blanket (or blankets) which will then be donated to Focus Ireland.

Read more about it over on the Limerick Stitch’n’Bitch blog.

Focus Ireland also have a Facebook page – go on and give it an aul like.


And I quote

“Startitis is a common affliction among our people”

I’m afflicted.

Startitis 008


Startitis 007


Startitis 006


Startitis 005


Startitis 004


Startitis 001

I cast on the crochet square above during todays SnB meet up.

But only after I had succesfully finished sewing in all of this ends in the scarf below.

Startitis 003


At least I got something finished.

Oh, here’s a thing.

SnB 20th Jan 008

I finished my Go Faster Polo using the Big Softie yarn that I was gifted at Christmas.

It’s awesomely snuggly, comfortable and warm to wear.

Plus, I don’t feel half as……bulky in it as I thought I would. It even fits under my rather snug fitting leather jacket.

Colour me happy……..and warm!


The downside of using Big Softie is this……

Baking and knitting 005


It comes clean apart. Baking and knitting 006 :/

Repeatedly, while sewing up the seams and once while I was knitting the body of the garment.

Not an impressive quality for any yarn.

Baking and knitting 004

I love how odd a garment can look while it’s still being constructed.

SnB 20th Jan 001

This is one of the sleeves.

They worked up wonderfully quickly.

Working with chunky yarn does give speedy results and that’s probably its most attractive quality.

It pretty much makes up for the downsides…….mostly.

That’s a kvetch for another post.

Happy Sunday!




Linky time

I was thinking that it’s been a bit of a while since I shared the link for the Limerick Stitch’n’Bitch group here.

So here it is.



Come along and give us an aul like.

Come along and join us in real life if you’re in the neightbourhood. The more the merrier!

Sunday Zesty Goodness

Our little group had our usual meet up in Zest Cafe which is located in the Limerick City Gallery of Art.

There was something really delightful about sitting in the well lit cafe while being able to look out at the rain splashing down and the wind sending leaves skittering to the ground.

I managed to get the fright of my life while merrily knittering and nattering.

While in mid-sentence natter a man was just suddenly at my shoulder and talking to me.

I virtually leapt from my chair. He didn’t announce himself or introduce himself.

He was just suddenly in my personal space asking what stitch I was using and talking about his mother and sister knitting but that he’d never seen the stitch that I was using.

My poor heart! He had no notion of how much of a startle he’d given me.

It’s always nice to get polite queries about knitting and hear people reminisce about relatives knitting.

It’s horrid though how people forget about being appropriate in their approach to a stranger.

The stitch he was so taken by is simple moss stitch. Nothing exotic about it.

The rest of my day was taken up with rearranging my living space with ‘help’ from the cats.

The helpfulness of the house cat in rearranging furniture truly knows no bounds



My poor shelving unit just can’t deal with the idea of another year of storing college notes.

Though I think it was being moved about 4 times and a stack of transactivist training materials that really did it in.

The current wip is growing at a fine and dandy rate. None the worse for having languished in procrastination limbo for months prior to being cast on.

I’m keeping my promise to myself of buying fresh flowers on a regular basis.

It doesn’t happen every week but most weeks I have a lovely bunch of flowers enhancing the sitting room.

They look even better in their new location.