
One of the reasons that I (am obsessed with) like  crafting so much is that sticks, string and sundry other notions may be transformed into a myriad of items that may range from being useful, beautiful, kooky, comforting, thought provoking, soothing, community building or any mixture of those things.

There’s a world of potential in these pictures.

Some of the items in the pictures have fulfilled their potential by becoming finished objects or have helped in the creation of items which have brought smiles and warmth into my live and into the days of other people.

The potential of positive outcomes.

That’s what I love about craft.

My heart and mind are awash with curiosity and creative notions when presented with yarns, needles, fabric, colours and the time to play with them.

I love potential.

Even when it’s unfulfilled. The only things required for almost everything to express its potential are time, ingenuity and the right circumstances.

I think it’s the same with people.

Given the time and right circumstances people are capable of amazing things.

Those things don’t have to be prize worthy to be amazing.

The ability to actively listen over a cup of tea is developed over time and its impact can be amazing –  lifesaving even.

So given the fact that I adore potential, in both things and people, it won’t come as a surprise to know that the loss of potential is what breaks my heart.

It broke my heart about Steven.

It’s what’s breaking my daughters heart now.

You see, she received some very upsetting news this afternoon.

We had just spent lovely time with our friend Hazel.

We were still in high spirits after our visit with Hazel when Megs was informed that the father of our lovely little Wyatt had passed away earlier this morning.

He was only 19.

Life is far too grown up and serious at the moment.

So much potential never to be fulfilled.

Our little boy has lost the potential dad that his father could have grown into and someday it’ll be down to Megs and myself to explain it all.

Sometimes life is just too sad.

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